Deep-ocean-mission-will-be launched-soon

Government Launching Deep Ocean Mission Soon

Union Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) – A department that works on development in Oceans has decided to launch Deep Ocean Mission in the first month of next year that is in January 2018. The aim of the mission is to explore and harness minerals present deep in the ocean.

Importance of Deep Ocean Mission:

The mission is going to provide many benefits such as harnessing ocean resources in a more responsible way. It will also play an important and game changing role in India’s prosperity and security. Jobs will also be created as it will open new business opportunities in Ocean science.  A part from MoES, the Deep Ocean Mission will also attract other ministry departments like Science and Technology and the biotechnology.

Why this Mission was required?

With having 7500 Km of coastline and 2.4 million square km of exclusive economic zone (EEZ), it is expected that there are huge opportunities in terms energy, food, medicine and natural resources. So, there is great need to conduct such kinds of missions to explore things which are present deep in the sea bed.  India’s neighbouring country China has already started Deep Sea Mission to extract minerals deposited in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

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